Pseudo glossary terms
Matches when an item is being activated by the user, for example clicked on. A ‘user action pseudo-class’.
Matches both the :link and :visited states of a link. A ‘location pseudo-class’.
Inserts a stylable element appearing after the originating element's actual content, if used with the content property with a value other than none. A ‘pseudo-element’.
Matches when an <input> has been auto-filled by the browser. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Inserts a stylable element appearing before the originating element's actual content, if used with the content property with a value other than none. A ‘pseudo-element’.
Matches an <input> element whose input value is empty. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Matches a radio button or checkbox in the selected state. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Matches the element, or an ancestor of the element, that is currently being displayed. A ‘time-dimensional pseudo-class’.
Matches the one or more UI elements that are the default among a set of similar elements. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Select an element based on its directionality, value of the HTML dir attribute or CSS direction property. A ‘linguistic pseudo-class’.
Matches user interface elements that are in a disabled state. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Matches an element that has no children except optionally white space. A ‘three-structural pseudo-class’.
Matches user interface elements that are in an enabled state. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
In Paged Media, matches the first page. A ‘three-structural pseudo-class’.
Matches an element that is first among its siblings. A ‘three-structural pseudo-class’.
Matches the first letter of the element. A ‘pseudo-element’.
Matches the first line of the containing element. A ‘pseudo-element’.
Matches an element that is first of a certain type among its siblings. A ‘three-structural pseudo-class’.
Matches when an element has focus. A ‘user action pseudo-class’.
Matches when an element has focus and the focus should be visible to the user. A ‘user action pseudo-class’.
Matches an element with focus plus an element with a descendent that has focus. A ‘user action pseudo-class’.
Matches the elements after the current element. A ‘time-dimensional pseudo-class’.
Matches a portion of the document containing a grammar error as flagged by the browser. A ‘pseudo-element’.
Matches when the user hovers over an element. A ‘user action pseudo-class’.
Matches an element with a range when its value is in-range. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Matches UI elements whose value is in an indeterminate state, usually checkboxes. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Matches an element, such as an <input>, in an invalid state. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Matches any of the selectors in the selector list that is passed in. A ‘condition pseudo-class’.
Matches an element based on language, value of the HTML lang attribute. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Matches an element that is last among its siblings. A ‘three-structural pseudo-class’.
Matches an element of a certain type that is last among its siblings. A ‘three-structural pseudo-class’.
In Paged Media, matches left-hand pages. A ‘placement pseudo-class’.
Matches unvisited links. A ‘location pseudo-class’.
Matches links pointing to pages that are on the same site as the current document. A ‘location pseudo-class’.
Matches the marker box of a list item, which typically contains a bullet or number. A ‘pseudo-element’.
Matches things not matched by selectors that are passed in as a value to this selector. A ‘condition pseudo-class’.
Matches elements from a list of siblings, the siblings are matched by a formula of the form an+b, such as 2n + 1 would match elements 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on. All the odd ones. A ‘three-structural pseudo-class’.
Matches elements from a list of siblings, counting backwards from the end. The siblings are matched by a formula of the form an+b, such as 2n + 1 would match the last element in the sequence, then two elements before that, then two elements before that, and so on. All the odd ones, counting from the end. A ‘three-structural pseudo-class’.
Matches elements from a list of siblings that are of a certain type, such as <p> elements, counting backwards from the end. The siblings are matched by a formula of the form an+b, such as 2n + 1 would match the last element of that type in the sequence, then two elements before that, then two elements before that, and so on. All the odd ones, counting from the end. A ‘three-structural pseudo-class’.
Matches elements from a list of siblings that are of a certain type, such as <p> elements, the siblings are matched by a formula of the form an+b, such as 2n + 1 would match that type of element, numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on. All the odd ones. A ‘three-structural pseudo-class’.
Matches an element that has no siblings. A ‘three-structural pseudo-class’.
Matches an element that is the only one of its type among its siblings. A ‘three-structural pseudo-class’.
Matches form elements that are not required. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Matches an element with a range when its value is out of range. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Matches the elements before the current element. A ‘time-dimensional pseudo-class’.
Matches an element representing an audio, video, or similar resource that is capable of being ‘played’ or ‘paused’, when that element is ‘paused’. A ‘resource state pseudo-class’.
Matches an input element that is showing placeholder text. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Matches an element representing an audio, video, or similar resource that is capable of being ‘played’ or “paused”, when that element is ‘playing’. A ‘resource state pseudo-class’.
Matches an element if it is not user-alterable. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Matches an element if it is user-alterable. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Matches form elements that are required. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
In Paged Media, matches right-hand pages. A ‘placement pseudo-class’.
Matches an element that is the root of the document. A ‘three-structural pseudo-class’.
Matches any element that is a scope element. A ‘location pseudo-class’.
Matches the portion of the document that has been selected. A ‘pseudo-element’.
Matches a portion of the document containing a spelling error as flagged by the browser. A ‘pseudo-element’.
Matches an element if it is the target of the current URL, such as if it has an ID matching the current URL fragment. A ‘location pseudo-class’.
Matches elements that are the target of the document URL, but also elements that have a descendant which is the target of the document URL. A ‘location pseudo-class’.
Represents an element with incorrect input, but only when the user has interacted with it. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Matches an element such as an <input> element, in a valid state. A ‘input pseudo-class’.
Matches visited links. A ‘location pseudo-class’.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Hopefully, this has provided you with insight to assist you with your business.