Website ad revenue calculator
About this calculator?
Advertising revenue
Advertising revenue is the money that people and organizations make by showing paid advertising alongside their online content on their digital domains, such as websites, social media channels, and apps.
When the browser loads a page from a website, it is seen by a user. The number of times a website or webpage has been seen during a given period of time is called a pageview. This differs from page visits in that a single page visit can result in many page views since a single user can see multiple pages on a site.
Unique page views
The total number of sessions in which a certain page was seen at least once is referred to as unique pageviews. Each page URL and page Title combination generates a unique pageview. As an example, a visitor explores an eCommerce site and navigates to a product category page, then browses a specific product page, and then returns to the same product page. The specific product page is seen twice during this session. These two page views will be added to the overall number of pageviews for that page in this single session. However, because it is seen by the same visitor in the same session, only one unique pageview will be added to the overall number of unique pageviews for that product page during that session.
Page visit
Any time a user visits a site from an external domain, it is referred to as a visit. That implies the user was on another website when they clicked on a link to navigate to the current site or type the website's URL straight into their browser. When a user visits a site via an external domain, a new visit is created to track the visitor's behaviour across the domain's pages. Only when a visitor leaves the domain by visiting an external site or shutting their browser window does a visit come to an end.
Page RPM
RPM is a metric that calculates how much money a website makes per thousand page views. This measure is used by publishers to assess how much money a site can generate. Knowing how much money a site generates per 1000 visitors may help to improve it, optimize pages, and other aspects of it.
Page per visit
Pages per visit is a Web analytics metric that indicates how many pieces of content a user or group of users views on a single website. The average number of page views per visitor is derived by dividing the total number of visits by the total number of page views. Complex web analytics solutions may further break it down by nation, area, and even demography. Pages per visit is a broad indicator of how engaging a website's content is for visitors and how effectively it is organized for navigation.
A session begins when someone visits your website for the first time and lasts for 30 minutes. Within a single session, whatever page the user accesses or any activity they complete counts as one unique visit. If the same individual visits your website again after 30 minutes, it is considered a new session. Sessions do not track which websites viewers visit; instead, they measure the number of users who engage in a browsing session and how long each session lasts.
The end-goal.
The end-goal of utilising this calculator is to allow you to calculate how much money you will generate with a specific quantity of traffic, or how much traffic you may need to meet your revenue targets. Also, you can calculate the basic cost per thousand impressions. Additionally, you can simulate the entire path from impression through CTR, clicks, leads, and sales, so you may acquire a better overview of your website's efficiency.
Necessary terms.
Ad revenue: This is the money generated by displaying paid advertising within a digital domain.
Page view: This is an instance of a page being loaded in a browser.
Page RPM: An abbreviation of Page ‘Revenue per Mille’ referring to the cost a website generates from thousand-page views.
Pageviews per visit: This indicates how many pieces of content a user or group of users views on a single website.
Visits: This is when a user visits a site from an external domain.
The formula.
Page Views
Page Views: PV
Revenue: RE
Page (RPM): PRPM
PV = RE / (PRPM / 1000)
Revenue: RE
Page Views: PV
Page (RPM): PRPM
RE = PV * (PRPM / 1000)
Visits: VS
Page Views: PV
Page Views Per Visit: PVPV
Page Views: PV
Revenue: RE
Page (RPM): PRPM
Visits: VS
Page Views Per Visit: PVPV
PV = RE / (PRPM / 1000)
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