Code: Script

Powerfully modular.

#Programming #Framework #JS

A practical strategy for the modern brand.

Frameworks and kits.

Applications built from the ground up with frameworks and kits provide an opportunity for creating network-centric mobile, desktop and web apps, frontend iOS/Android development, backend web development, complex & advanced user interfaces & single-page apps. There’s no time to wait, begin expanding your business potential with JavaScript, React Native, Node.js, Vue.js, React.js, Angular, Flutter, or Python.

Popular and versatile.

The JavaScript language is applied to many flagship apps and is built into every web browser.

Smart apps.

JavaScript powers machine learning, artificial intelligence, and big data.

Endless ideas.

Robotics, IoT, complex video games, advanced chatbots, and wearable technology.

React native & react.js.

React Native reduces development time, allows for controlling expenses and offers performance, to create a single program with cross-platform development for both iOS and Android. React.js guarantees excellent app performance from its API and virtual DOM.



Node.js supports asynchronous operations, and improves work with third-party APIs, databases, and building modular architectures. Speed up server-side code construction and execution with fewer resources and create automation scripts for a variety of tasks & procedures.



Vue.js provides app performance with minimal optimization due to a quick virtual DOM. Architecture and structure allow for project scalability, while one-way data binding offers improved application behaviour and lowers the possibility of errors.


Build complex logic-based apps, while development processes can increase from the ready-made and well-structured framework.


A framework codebase for mobile, desktop and web development, with ready-made widgets for configuring flexible UI.


Increase software development with minimal resources, write small scripts to automate various work operations, and facilitate data visualization with scientific calculations.


Fulfil your craving for a custom mobile/desktop/web app solution and have ProjektID’s development team execute a frontend, backend or network-centric app that integrates a competent user interface for a successful user experience.

Problem-solving principles.

At ProjektID, we embrace 5 principles that allow us to provide a bespoke solution that solves your business’s problems. There is no cut and paste models in our services, only effective planning, developing, designing and implementation of work that provides your brand with meaningful value.

Apps create portals to digital identities and transform active uses into seamlessly integrated experiences
Luke Houghton | Founder & Digital Consultant

Rough order Of magnitude.

A Rough Order of Magnitude Estimate (ROM estimate) is a ‘ballpark’ estimation of a project's scale and cost. ROM estimates are not representative of every project budget, rather a comprehension of the scope-to-budget ratio. Every project is unique and requires a particular range of solutions to assist a business in solving problems. Please do contact us to organise an initial meeting to discuss your project (scope, budget & timeline). Keep in mind that the price reflects the content, skill and technical complexity of this solution and in turn can generate better value for your business.

Bespoke Service Budget

Service roadmap.

Comprehending the complete development processes is key in maximising the performance of a project’s success. ProjektID works in tandem with clients in order to maintain operational control of every single detail.

Project Scope 3
Project Scope 2
Project Scope 1
  • Discovery Phase

    In the Discovery phase, ProjektID will need to initially define the scope of the project. This is done through an initial meeting with the client. Then the project parameters can be defined along with an assessment of the project. Once all of this is complete, the project ‘Authorisation To Proceed’ (ATP) Contract will need to be agreed to and the project will commence.

  • Development Phase

    In the Development phase, the solution will undergo creation. A demonstration live model will then be created. All of these will be displayed to the client for feedback and agreement.

  • Analysis Phase

    The Analysis phase focuses on gaining real feedback from asset testers. Live model testing will enable ProjektID and the client to better define the business asset and to assess the project thus far.

  • Enhancement Phase

    The Enhancement phase will enable ProjektID to implement any small and big alterations to the asset from the feedback in the Analysis phase. If the final project edits still do not fulfil the project scope then additional edit applications will be enacted until complete.

  • Completion Phase

    In the Completion phase, both ProjektID and the client will evaluate the project together. Once the project has fulfilled the objectives in the whole project scope, the project will be handed off to the client.

Project glossary.

A glossary is an alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms.


The amount of money that a person, group, or organization has available to spend on a ‘project’. A budget defines the maximum and minimum values allocated to generate a particular outcome.


A piece of planned work or activity that is completed over a period of time and intended to achieve a particular aim.

Project Complexity

The condition of lacking simplicity of a problem. A set of problems that consists of many parts with a multitude of possible interrelations, being of high consequence in the decision-making process that brings about the final result.

Project Scale

A determining factor from ‘Project Scope’, is most simply defined as the degree and extent to which project management practices are formally applied. Taking a "one size fits all" approach is unwise and impractical.

Project Scope

Features and functions of the scope of work needed to complete a project. Scope involves gathering information required to initialise a project, and the features the project would have that the client requires.

Project TimeLine (Duration)

A period of seconds, minutes, days, hours, weeks, months, or years, in which something may happen or in which something may occur.

Quality Control (QC)

This is a process through which a business seeks to ensure that product quality is maintained or improved. Quality control requires creating an environment in which a project strives for perfection.


Provides a strategic overview of the major elements of a project. This usually includes objectives, milestones, deliverables, resources, and a planned timeline.

Service Element Deliverable (SED)

A sub-division of Project Scope, a Service Element Deliverable is an action that is performed within a specific aspect of a project in order to serve a purpose. Multiple actions together (SEDs) compose the scope of work.

Stage (Phase)

A collection of activities within a project. Each project phase is goal-oriented and ends at a milestone. Reaching these milestones means the project progresses. Each phase can be divided into sub-phases.

Stage (Plan)

These include things to do, short-term and long-term objectives, and other actions that affect project completion.

Stage (Progress)

These include milestones, goals achieved, finished tasks and validated items that contribute to project completion.


A variable is any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types. A project usually has three kinds of variables: independent, dependent, and controlled.

Variable (Control)

A control variable, or constant, in project development is an element which is constant and unchanged throughout the course of the project. The control variables themselves are not altered throughout any project scale.

Variable (Dependent)

The variable is measured during project development and is 'dependent' on the independent variable. In a project, the effect on the dependent variable is caused by altering the independent variable.

Variable (Independent)

The variable being manipulated during project development and is assumed to have a direct effect on the dependent variable. This determines the cause and effect of a project.

Project scale.

‘Project Scale’ is a determining factor from ‘Project Scope’ and ‘Project Complexity’, most simply defined as the degree and extent to which project management practices are formally applied. It is unwise and impractical to take a ‘one size fits all’ approach to each project, as there will be unique problems to solve along with varying scales, scopes and complexities to assess.

Project Scale = Project Scope X Project Complexity

Project variable.

A variable is any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types. A project usually has three kinds of variables: independent, dependent, and controlled.

Control Variable

The control variable, or constant, in project development is an element that is constant and unchanged throughout the course of the project. The control variables themselves are not altered throughout any project scale.

Quality Control

Independent Variable

The dependent variable is what gets measured during project development, and is 'dependent' on the independent variable. In a project, the effect on the dependent variable is caused by altering the independent variable.


Dependent Variable

The independent variable is what gets manipulated during project development, and is assumed to have a direct effect on the dependent variable. This determines the cause and effect of a project.


Our projects.

Developing a specific strategy for a business in a unique situation, within both the digital and physical world, has allowed us to vary our mindset to solve specific problems. Take a peek at some projects that we have been excited to work on.