Ruthless or selfless

Table of Contents



In today's dynamic business landscape, leaders must balance ruthlessness and selflessness for sustainable success. This article explores how ProjektID integrates digital-first thinking and technology to achieve this balance.

Main Points.

  • Digital-First Thinking:

    • Streamlines processes, ensures scalability, and leverages technologies like AI and blockchain.

  • Role of Technology:

    • Automation:

      • Ruthless: Enhances efficiency and reduces errors.

      • Selfless: Frees up resources for customer-focused tasks.

    • Data Management:

      • Ruthless: Ensures precision and security.

      • Selfless: Builds trust through transparency.

    • UX/UI Design:

      • Ruthless: Ensures functionality and engagement.

      • Selfless: Promotes inclusivity and accessibility.

  • Practical Business Strategies:

    • Website and code strategies to improve brand identity and customer engagement.

    • Data strategies for effective management and continuity.

  • Balancing Ruthlessness and Selflessness:

    • Decision-Making: Combines swift actions with diverse inputs.

    • Competitive Strategy: Innovation and collaboration.

    • Operational Efficiency: Streamlined processes with employee support.

    • Ethical Standards: Transparency and trust.


Achieving the balance between ruthlessness and selflessness is crucial for long-term business success. Businesses should evaluate processes, foster feedback culture, invest in people, embrace technology thoughtfully, and commit to ethical practices. This balanced approach drives performance, innovation, and sustainable growth.

Balancing ruthlessness and selflessness in business.

In the rapidly evolving world of business, leaders often grapple with the dichotomy of being ruthless versus selfless. Finding the balance between these two extremes is crucial for sustainable success. Let's delve into the fundamentals of this balance.

Embracing digital-first thinking.

At ProjektID, we prioritise digital-first thinking. This approach not only streamlines business processes but also ensures that our solutions are accessible and scalable. Digital-first thinking involves leveraging technology to automate tasks, manage data efficiently, and provide intuitive user experiences. By integrating technologies such as AI, blockchain, and advanced web development frameworks, businesses can reduce workload, save time, and expand their potential.

The role of technology in balancing ruthlessness and selflessness.

Technology plays a pivotal role in balancing ruthlessness and selflessness. Here's how:

Automation and efficiency.

  • Ruthless Efficiency: Implementing automation tools such as AI-driven chatbots (similar to DAVE from ProjektID) and workflow automation software can drive efficiency and reduce human error. These tools help businesses stay competitive by performing tasks swiftly and accurately.

  • Selfless Service: Automation also frees up human resources to focus on tasks that require empathy and human touch, such as customer support and creative problem-solving. This balance ensures that businesses remain competitive without losing their human touch.

Data management.

  • Ruthless Precision: Advanced data management systems, such as custom database architectures and offsite backup solutions, ensure data integrity and security. This precision in data handling is crucial for making informed decisions quickly and accurately.

  • Selfless Transparency: Transparent data practices build trust with clients and stakeholders. By providing clear insights and maintaining open channels of communication, businesses can foster long-term relationships built on trust and mutual respect.

User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) design.

  • Ruthless Innovation: Investing in cutting-edge UX/UI design ensures that digital products are not only functional but also engaging. Technologies like JavaScript frameworks and blockchain can enhance interactivity and security, providing users with a seamless experience.

  • Selfless Accessibility: Designing with accessibility in mind ensures that digital solutions are inclusive. By considering the needs of all users, businesses demonstrate a commitment to serving a diverse audience, enhancing their reputation and reach.

Practical applications in business strategies.

Website strategies.

  • Construct and Domain: Utilise top-of-the-game website systems to save time and energy. A catchy domain name with the right extension can significantly enhance brand visibility.

  • Integration and APIs: Seamlessly integrate APIs to extend website functionality, ensuring a connected and efficient online presence.

Business and code strategies.

  • Branding: Motivate your target market with identifiable branded products and services. A memorable name, appealing logo, and compelling slogan can create a strong brand identity.

  • Custom Development: Develop custom web and mobile applications to provide interactive platforms that engage your target market. Use industry-standard JavaScript frameworks and blockchain technology to ensure robustness and security.

Data strategies.

  • Archive and System: Implement integral record digitisation and custom systems to manage data effectively. Offsite backups can prevent workflow stalling and ensure business continuity.

  • Backup: Maintain hardware and data reliability with robust backup systems, providing assurance against potential data loss.

Understanding ruthlessness: The pros and cons.

In the business world, the term "ruthless" often conjures images of cutthroat competition, decisive actions, and unyielding focus on success. While these traits can drive remarkable achievements, they also come with significant risks. Understanding the balance between ruthlessness and its counterpart, selflessness, is crucial for sustainable success.

Defining ruthlessness in business.

Ruthlessness in business refers to a relentless pursuit of objectives, often prioritising efficiency, profits, and market dominance above all else. This approach is characterised by:

  • Decisiveness: Making swift and firm decisions without hesitation.

  • Competitiveness: Aggressively striving to outperform rivals.

  • Efficiency: Maximising productivity and minimising waste, often at the expense of personal relationships or ethical considerations.

Advantages of a ruthless approach.

  1. Efficiency.

    • Ruthless leaders focus on streamlining operations, cutting unnecessary costs, and optimising resource use. This efficiency can lead to higher profits and faster growth.

  2. Decisiveness.

    • Quick, firm decisions can keep a business agile and responsive to market changes. This decisiveness can help seize opportunities that slower competitors might miss.

  3. Competitive Edge.

    • An aggressive approach to competition can secure a dominant market position. By outpacing rivals, businesses can capture larger market shares and set industry standards.

Disadvantages of ruthlessness.

  1. Toxic Work Environments.

    • A relentless focus on results can lead to high-pressure environments where employees feel undervalued and stressed. This can result in high turnover rates and a decline in overall morale.

  2. Burnout.

    • Constant pressure to perform can lead to burnout, not just for employees but also for leaders. Burnout can diminish creativity, reduce productivity, and harm long-term success.

  3. Ethical Compromises.

    • In the pursuit of success, ruthless leaders might overlook ethical considerations. This can lead to legal issues, damage to reputation, and loss of trust among stakeholders.

Case studies: Ruthless business leaders.

  1. Steve Jobs.

    • Known for his demanding nature, Steve Jobs' ruthless pursuit of perfection led Apple to become a technology giant. His decisiveness and competitive drive were instrumental in launching revolutionary products like the iPhone and MacBook. However, his management style was also criticised for creating a high-stress environment and for being harsh with employees.

  2. Jeff Bezos.

    • Jeff Bezos built Amazon into a retail behemoth with a ruthless focus on customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. His relentless drive for innovation and market dominance has positioned Amazon as a leader in e-commerce. Yet, this approach has faced scrutiny for contributing to intense workplace conditions and aggressive business practices.

Integrating ruthlessness with selflessness.

At ProjektID, we believe in blending the decisive, efficient aspects of ruthlessness with the empathetic, relationship-building qualities of selflessness. This balanced approach ensures that while we drive towards ambitious goals, we also create an environment that values employees, ethical standards, and long-term relationships.

Practical applications of a balanced approach.

  1. Decision-Making.

    • Combine quick decision-making with input from diverse perspectives to ensure well-rounded outcomes that consider both efficiency and empathy.

  2. Competitive Strategy.

    • Maintain a competitive edge by focusing on innovation and excellence, but also by building partnerships and collaborations that benefit all stakeholders.

  3. Operational Efficiency.

    • Streamline processes and optimise resources while ensuring that employees are supported, valued, and given opportunities to grow.

  4. Ethical Standards.

    • Prioritise ethical considerations in all business dealings, maintaining transparency and trust with clients, partners, and the wider community.

The power of selflessness: Building sustainable success.

In the competitive landscape of modern business, selflessness may seem counterintuitive. However, selflessness can be a powerful catalyst for sustainable success. By fostering trust, loyalty, and long-term relationships, selfless leadership and business practices can create a foundation for enduring growth and innovation.

Defining selflessness in business.

Selflessness in business refers to prioritising the well-being of others, employees, customers, partners, and the community, over immediate personal gain. This approach is characterised by:

  • Empathy: Understanding and valuing the perspectives and needs of others.

  • Generosity: Willingness to share resources, knowledge, and opportunities.

  • Integrity: Consistently acting in ways that align with ethical and moral principles.

Benefits of selflessness.

  1. Trust.

    • Selfless leaders and businesses build trust by consistently putting the needs of others first. This trust becomes the bedrock of strong relationships, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment.

  2. Loyalty.

    • When people feel valued and respected, they are more likely to remain loyal. This loyalty extends to employees who are committed to their work and customers who return time and again.

  3. Long-Term Relationships.

    • Selflessness encourages the development of long-term relationships. By focusing on mutual benefit and shared success, businesses can cultivate partnerships that endure through market fluctuations and challenges.

Potential drawbacks of selflessness.

  1. Risk of Being Taken Advantage Of.

    • Selfless leaders may face the risk of being exploited by those who prioritise personal gain over mutual benefit. It is crucial to balance selflessness with discernment to protect against such risks.

  2. Slower Short-Term Gains.

    • Selflessness often involves investing time and resources into relationships and community building, which may result in slower short-term financial gains. However, this approach can lead to more substantial and sustainable long-term success.

Examples of successful selfless leaders and businesses.

  1. Satya Nadella (CEO of Microsoft).

    • Satya Nadella’s leadership style is rooted in empathy and inclusivity. By fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation, he has transformed Microsoft into a more agile and customer-focused company. His selfless approach has not only improved employee morale but also driven significant business growth.

  2. Patagonia.

    • Patagonia is renowned for its commitment to environmental sustainability and social responsibility. The company's selfless practices include donating a portion of profits to environmental causes and ensuring fair labour practices in its supply chain. These practices have earned Patagonia a loyal customer base and a reputation as a leader in ethical business.

Integrating selflessness with ruthlessness.

At ProjektID, we believe that the most effective business strategies integrate both selflessness and ruthlessness. While selflessness builds a foundation of trust and loyalty, ruthlessness ensures efficiency and competitiveness. This balanced approach allows businesses to achieve both short-term objectives and long-term sustainability.

Practical applications of a balanced approach.

  1. Employee Engagement.

    • Foster a supportive work environment that values employee contributions and well-being. Encourage collaboration and provide opportunities for professional growth, while also setting clear performance expectations and goals.

  2. Customer Relationships.

    • Build strong, trust-based relationships with customers by prioritising their needs and delivering exceptional service. Balance this with strategic marketing and competitive pricing to attract and retain customers.

  3. Community Involvement.

    • Engage in community initiatives and support social causes that align with your business values. This not only strengthens your brand reputation but also builds goodwill and loyalty among stakeholders.

  4. Ethical Decision-Making.

    • Make decisions that uphold ethical standards and consider the broader impact on society. This enhances your business’s credibility and fosters long-term trust with partners and customers.

Combining ruthlessness and selflessness.

Balancing ruthlessness and selflessness in business is an art that can drive sustainable success and innovation. At ProjektID, we believe that integrating these seemingly opposing approaches can lead to optimal business management. Here, we delve into strategies and practical tips to maintain a balance between competitiveness and empathy, drawing insights from our multi-solution strategy and digital-first thinking.

Strategies for integrating ruthlessness and selflessness.

  1. Define Clear Boundaries.

    • Establish clear boundaries where ruthlessness is necessary and where selflessness can thrive. Use ruthless decision-making for areas like cost-cutting and performance management, while applying selflessness in employee welfare and customer relations.

  2. Empower Through Delegation.

    • Empower your team by delegating tasks and responsibilities. This not only fosters trust and loyalty but also allows you to focus your ruthlessness on strategic decisions while nurturing selflessness in team development.

  3. Transparent Communication.

    • Maintain open and honest communication. Being transparent about business goals and challenges can build trust, making it easier to implement tough decisions when needed.

  4. Ethical Decision-Making Framework.

    • Develop an ethical decision-making framework that guides when to be ruthless and when to be selfless. This ensures that all actions align with the core values of the business, maintaining integrity and ethical standards.

Practical tips for maintaining balance.

  1. Evaluate Impact Regularly.

    • Regularly assess the impact of your decisions on both business outcomes and stakeholder relationships. Adjust strategies to ensure a healthy balance is maintained.

  2. Foster a Culture of Feedback.

    • Encourage a culture where feedback is valued and acted upon. This allows for continuous improvement and shows employees that their opinions matter, fostering loyalty and engagement.

  3. Invest in Employee Development.

    • Ruthlessly pursue business goals but selflessly invest in your employees’ professional growth. Provide training and development opportunities that help them excel and feel valued.

  4. Prioritise Long-Term Goals.

    • Focus on long-term success over short-term gains. This may involve making difficult decisions in the short term, but with a selfless commitment to the company's sustainable growth and the well-being of all stakeholders.

Insights from ProjektID’s multi-solution strategy.

At ProjektID, our multi-solution strategy exemplifies the integration of ruthlessness and selflessness:

  1. Digital-First Thinking.

    • We prioritise digital solutions that streamline processes, reduce workload, and expand potential. This approach involves ruthless efficiency in technology adoption while being selfless in providing accessible solutions for our clients.

  2. Praxis: Guided Business Solutions.

    • Our in-house strategies combine original digital design and futuristic physical-styling concepts. We are ruthless in our pursuit of innovative solutions, yet selfless in guiding clients through each phase, ensuring their understanding and comfort.

  3. Pro Subs: Futuristic Website Subscriptions.

    • Pro Subs automate website workflows, increasing performance and efficiency. This ruthless automation is balanced with selfless support, ensuring clients can focus on growth while we handle the technical complexities.

  4. Site Cx: Official Website Plugins.

    • Site Cx plugins enhance customer experience by simplifying UI/UX and expanding commercial processes. This ruthless enhancement of functionality is paired with selfless integration support, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Practical examples from ProjektID.

  1. Customer-Centric Solutions.

    • We develop solutions that ruthlessly improve efficiency but are designed with the end-user in mind. This balance ensures that while we drive business performance, we do not compromise on customer satisfaction.

  2. Well-being Initiatives.

    • Our internal policies promote a work-life balance and continuous learning opportunities. While we maintain high-performance standards, we selflessly invest in our employees’ well-being and professional growth.

  3. Community Engagement.

    • We engage in community projects and initiatives, reflecting our commitment to social responsibility. This selfless engagement builds our reputation and fosters long-term relationships, which ultimately benefit our business.

Leadership styles: Compassionate vs authoritative.

In the ever-evolving business landscape, leadership styles significantly influence organisational culture and success. At ProjektID, we emphasise the importance of adaptive leadership, blending the strengths of both compassionate and authoritative approaches to foster a productive and innovative environment. Let's explore the nuances of these leadership styles, their benefits, and the concept of "Ruthless Compassion”.

Compassionate leadership.

Definition and characteristics.

Compassionate leadership is characterised by empathy, understanding, and a focus on building positive relationships within the team. Leaders who adopt this style prioritise the well-being of their employees, fostering an inclusive and supportive workplace culture.


  1. Increased Employee Engagement.

    • Employees feel valued and respected, leading to higher motivation and engagement.

  2. Reduced Turnover Rates.

    • A supportive environment encourages employee loyalty, reducing turnover rates and associated costs.

  3. Enhanced Collaboration.

    • Compassionate leaders promote open communication and teamwork, enhancing overall collaboration and innovation.

  4. Improved Mental Health.

    • By addressing employee well-being, compassionate leaders help reduce stress and burnout, leading to a healthier and more productive workforce.

Examples in practice.

  • Companies like Google and Salesforce are known for their compassionate leadership approaches, offering extensive employee support programs and fostering a culture of respect and inclusivity.

Authoritative leadership.

Definition and characteristics.

Authoritative leadership, on the other hand, is characterised by clear directives, firm decision-making, and a focus on achieving high performance and results. This style is often seen in high-stakes environments where quick, decisive actions are necessary.


  1. Clear Vision and Direction.

    • Authoritative leaders provide a clear vision and direction, ensuring everyone understands the company’s goals and objectives.

  2. Increased Efficiency.

    • By making quick and decisive decisions, authoritative leaders can drive projects forward efficiently.

  3. Strong Performance Management.

    • This style is effective in managing performance, setting high standards, and holding employees accountable.

  4. Crisis Management.

    • In times of crisis, authoritative leadership can be crucial in providing stability and swift action.

Examples in practice.

  • Leaders like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have demonstrated authoritative leadership styles, driving their companies to achieve remarkable milestones through clear vision and decisive actions.

The Concept of "Ruthless Compassion".


"Ruthless Compassion" is a leadership approach that combines the decisiveness and strength of authoritative leadership with the empathy and understanding of compassionate leadership. It aims to achieve high performance while maintaining a supportive and positive work environment.

Application in leadership.

  1. Setting High Standards with Empathy.

    • Leaders set high expectations but provide the necessary support and resources for employees to meet these standards.

  2. Decisive Action with Understanding.

    • Decisions are made swiftly but with a deep understanding of their impact on the team and individuals.

  3. Balanced Feedback.

    • Constructive feedback is given with a focus on growth and development, ensuring employees feel supported while striving for excellence.

  4. Adaptive Management.

    • Leaders adapt their style based on the situation, using compassion to build relationships and authority to drive results when necessary.

Benefits of ruthless compassion.

  • Sustainable Success.

    • Balancing compassion and authority leads to sustainable success, with a motivated and high-performing team.

  • Positive Work Culture.

    • This approach fosters a positive work culture, where employees feel valued and driven to achieve their best.

  • Resilient Teams.

    • Teams become more resilient, able to handle challenges and changes with both strength and support.

Insights from ProjektID’s Approach.

At ProjektID, our leadership principles are rooted in a multi-solution strategy and digital-first thinking. We believe in blending compassionate and authoritative leadership to drive innovation and performance.

  1. Empathy in Digital Solutions.

    • Our digital solutions are designed with empathy, focusing on user experience and accessibility.

  2. Decisive Innovation.

    • We are authoritative in our pursuit of innovation, making bold decisions to stay ahead in the digital landscape.

  3. Supportive Culture.

    • We foster a supportive culture, encouraging continuous learning and development.

  4. Balanced Leadership.

    • Our leadership style reflects ruthless compassion, driving high performance while maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment.

Case study: Keyser’s selfless service model.

In the dynamic world of business, few stories are as transformative as that of Jonathan Keyser. His journey from ruthless competitiveness to a selfless service model provides invaluable insights into the profound impact of leadership styles on business success. This case study delves into Keyser’s evolution, analysing the benefits of selfless service and extracting key lessons applicable to various business contexts.

Overview of Jonathan Keyser’s transformation.


Jonathan Keyser began his career in the fiercely competitive commercial real estate industry, where he initially adopted a cutthroat approach to achieve success. Despite achieving significant financial gains, Keyser found this ruthless strategy unsustainable and personally unfulfilling.


In a pivotal moment of introspection, Keyser decided to shift his approach entirely. He embraced a philosophy of selfless service, focusing on helping others succeed without expecting anything in return. This radical change was not just a personal evolution but a strategic business pivot that redefined his career and the company he founded, Keyser.

Analysis of the impact of selfless service.

Building trust and loyalty.

One of the most profound impacts of Keyser’s selfless service model was the cultivation of trust and loyalty among clients and colleagues. By prioritising the needs of others and delivering value without immediate personal gain, Keyser built deep, enduring relationships. Trust became the foundation upon which his business was built, leading to long-term partnerships and repeat business.

Enhancing company culture.

Adopting a selfless service model transformed Keyser’s company culture. Employees were encouraged to prioritise service and collaboration, fostering a supportive and positive work environment. This shift resulted in increased employee engagement, job satisfaction, and retention, creating a cohesive team driven by shared values.

Business growth and success.

While the transition to a selfless service model might seem counterintuitive in a profit-driven industry, it led to remarkable business growth. Keyser’s firm attracted clients who valued integrity and long-term partnerships. The emphasis on delivering exceptional service created a reputation for reliability and excellence, driving business success through word-of-mouth referrals and positive client experiences.

Key takeaways from Keyser’s approach.

Prioritise genuine relationships.

Keyser’s story underscores the importance of building genuine relationships based on trust and mutual respect. By focusing on the success of clients and colleagues, businesses can foster loyalty and long-term partnerships that are more valuable than short-term gains.

Cultivate a service-oriented culture.

A company culture centred around service and support can significantly enhance employee morale and productivity. Encouraging employees to adopt a selfless mindset not only improves internal dynamics but also translates into better client interactions and overall business performance.

Embrace long-term thinking.

Keyser’s success illustrates that prioritising long-term relationships and sustainable business practices can lead to greater overall success. Businesses should consider the long-term impact of their strategies, focusing on delivering consistent value and building a strong, positive reputation.

Lead by example.

Leaders play a crucial role in shaping company culture and values. By exemplifying selfless service, leaders can inspire their teams to adopt similar behaviours, creating a ripple effect throughout the organisation. Keyser’s transformation highlights the power of leading by example in driving meaningful change.

Balance service with strategy.

While selfless service is a powerful approach, it should be balanced with strategic thinking. Businesses need to ensure that their service-oriented practices are aligned with their overall goals and objectives. This balance allows for sustainable growth while maintaining the core values of service and integrity.

Building a selfless business culture.

In today’s competitive business landscape, fostering a selfless culture within an organisation can lead to sustainable success and a more fulfilling work environment. A selfless business culture prioritises the well-being and development of employees, clients, and the broader community, ultimately driving collaboration and innovation. Here, we explore the steps to create such a culture, the pivotal role of leadership, and how ProjektID implements these principles in their Praxis and Pro Subs services.

Steps to create a company culture based on selflessness and collaboration.

Define core values and communicate them clearly.

Establish clear, core values that emphasise selflessness, collaboration, and service. These values should be consistently communicated across all levels of the organisation. At ProjektID, our principles of digital-first thinking and multi-solution strategies highlight our commitment to reducing workloads, saving time, and expanding potential for our clients and employees.

Lead by example.

Leadership must embody the values they wish to see in their teams. When leaders demonstrate selfless behaviour, such as putting team needs first and actively listening to feedback, it sets a precedent for the rest of the organisation.

Encourage open communication.

Create an environment where open communication is encouraged and valued. This involves active listening, acknowledging contributions, and fostering a safe space for sharing ideas and concerns. At ProjektID, our Praxis service exemplifies this through guided business solutions, ensuring clients are involved in every phase of solving their brand problems.

Recognise and reward selflessness.

Implement recognition programs that reward employees for acts of selflessness and collaboration. This not only motivates individuals but also reinforces the desired behaviour across the organisation.

Provide opportunities for professional growth.

Support employees in their professional development by offering training, mentorship, and opportunities for career advancement. By investing in their growth, you show that you value their contributions and future potential. Our Intel +1 and Calcs services at ProjektID help businesses expand their real-world knowledge and skills, fostering continuous learning and development.

The role of leadership in fostering a supportive and service-oriented environment.

Visionary leadership.

Leaders play a crucial role in shaping and sustaining a selfless business culture. They must articulate a clear vision that aligns with selfless values and inspires the entire organisation. This vision should be reflected in both strategic decisions and everyday interactions.

Empathetic leadership.

Empathy is key to understanding and addressing the needs of employees and clients. Empathetic leaders create a supportive environment where individuals feel valued and understood, leading to increased loyalty and motivation.

Inclusive leadership.

Inclusive leaders ensure that diverse perspectives are heard and integrated into decision-making processes. This fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation, as employees feel their unique contributions are recognised and valued.

How ProjektID implements these principles.

Praxis: Guided business solutions.

At ProjektID, our Praxis service exemplifies our commitment to selflessness and collaboration. By involving clients in every phase of problem-solving, we ensure that their needs are prioritised, and their input is valued. This collaborative approach not only enhances client satisfaction but also leads to more effective and sustainable solutions.

Pro Subs: Futuristic website subscriptions.

Our Pro Subs service is designed to support businesses by automating website workflows, increasing performance, and providing ongoing maintenance and management. By taking on these responsibilities, we enable our clients to focus on their core business activities, demonstrating our commitment to reducing their workload and expanding their potential.

Intel +1 and Calcs: Learning and growth.

Through our Intel +1 and Calcs learning materials, we provide clients with access to educational articles, real-world business calculators, and other learning resources. This empowers them to enhance their knowledge and skills, driving their personal and professional growth. By investing in our clients’ development, we exemplify the principles of selflessness and long-term success.

Motivation and community building.

In the dynamic world of business, balancing ambition with empathy can drive not only individual success but also create thriving communities of support and innovation. This section delves into the importance of adopting a selfless mindset in business, the critical role of community building, and insights drawn from my own experiences at ProjektID.

Encouraging a mindset shift towards selfless service in business.

Adopting a mindset of selfless service is crucial for fostering long-term success and satisfaction in business. Here’s how you can make this shift:

Prioritise relationship building.

Developing genuine relationships with clients, employees, and partners can lead to increased loyalty and trust. At ProjektID, our multi-solution strategy emphasises understanding and solving complex business problems through collaboration and empathy.

Embrace transparency and honesty.

Being transparent in your business dealings fosters trust and respect. Open communication about challenges and successes helps build a strong, supportive community. This principle is embedded in our Praxis approach, where clients are involved in every phase of problem-solving.

Focus on long-term impact.

Rather than seeking immediate gains, focus on the long-term impact of your actions. Sustainable growth comes from consistent, value-driven efforts. Our Pro Subs service reflects this by providing ongoing support and maintenance to ensure long-term client success.

Nurture a culture of learning and growth.

Encourage continuous learning and development within your organisation. Providing resources and opportunities for growth demonstrates a commitment to the well-being and progress of your team and clients. This is evident in our Intel +1 and Calcs services, which offer educational articles and business calculators to enhance knowledge and skills.

The importance of community building and mutual support among businesses and entrepreneurs.

Building a supportive community among businesses and entrepreneurs is essential for collective growth and innovation. Here’s why it matters:

Sharing knowledge and resources.

Communities thrive when members share their knowledge, experiences, and resources. This collaborative spirit leads to faster problem-solving and innovation. At ProjektID, our learning platforms and over-the-web services are designed to facilitate knowledge sharing and mutual support.

Enhancing resilience.

A strong community provides a safety net during challenging times. Mutual support helps businesses navigate difficulties and emerge stronger. Our emphasis on creating a connected ecosystem through services like Pro Subs and Site Cx ensures that our clients are never alone in their journey.

Fostering innovation.

Collaboration and diverse perspectives drive innovation. When businesses and entrepreneurs come together, they can create solutions that would be impossible in isolation. Our commitment to digital-first thinking and multi-solution strategies exemplifies how collaborative efforts can lead to groundbreaking solutions.

Building a network of trust.

A supportive community is built on trust and mutual respect. By consistently delivering value and supporting others, businesses can establish themselves as reliable and integral parts of their networks. This is a core principle at ProjektID, where our solutions are designed to build and maintain trust with our clients.

Personal stories and testimonials from Luke Anthony Houghton’s experience.

Drawing from my personal journey, here are a few stories that highlight the power of selfless service and community building:

From retail to consultancy.

My ten years in retail management taught me the importance of empathy and customer-centric service. Transitioning to a digital consultant, I applied these principles to help businesses navigate the complexities of digital transformation. One memorable project involved revamping a client’s online presence, which resulted in a 50% increase in customer engagement and a renewed sense of purpose for their team.

Creating DAVE: A collaborative effort.

The development of DAVE (Dynamic Assisting Virtual Entity) was a collaborative effort involving multiple stakeholders. By prioritising user feedback and iterative improvements, we created a tool that significantly enhances user navigation experiences on Squarespace websites. This project underscored the importance of involving clients in the development process and continuously iterating based on their needs.

The power of community in learning.

Our Intel +1 and Calcs services were born out of the realisation that businesses need accessible educational resources to thrive. By offering free articles, calculators, and courses, we’ve built a community of learners who support each other’s growth. Testimonials from users often highlight how these resources have empowered them to make informed decisions and drive their businesses forward.

Feedback and iteration: Continuously improving business practices.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of business, the ability to balance ruthlessness with selflessness is crucial for sustained growth and innovation. At ProjektID, we believe that integrating continuous feedback loops into our processes is essential for refining our strategies and delivering exceptional value to our clients. This section explores the significance of feedback, how to effectively implement feedback loops, and shares practical examples from our ongoing projects.

The role of feedback in balancing ruthlessness and selflessness.

Feedback is a powerful tool that helps businesses navigate the delicate balance between being ruthlessly efficient and selflessly client-focused. Here’s why it’s vital:

Enhancing customer satisfaction.

Feedback allows us to understand our clients’ needs and expectations better. By listening to their concerns and suggestions, we can adjust our services to provide more personalised and effective solutions. This selfless approach builds trust and fosters long-term relationships.

Driving innovation.

Constructive feedback often highlights areas where innovation is needed. It encourages us to think outside the box and develop creative solutions to complex problems. This relentless pursuit of improvement drives us to stay ahead of the competition.

Improving efficiency.

While it’s essential to be client-centric, businesses must also operate efficiently. Feedback helps identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies in our processes, allowing us to streamline operations and enhance productivity.

Fostering a growth mindset.

Encouraging a culture of continuous improvement through feedback instils a growth mindset within the organisation. Employees feel valued and are more motivated to contribute their best efforts, knowing their input is instrumental in shaping the company’s success.

How to use feedback loops to iterate and improve business strategies.

Implementing effective feedback loops is key to leveraging feedback for continuous improvement. Here’s how to do it:

Collect diverse feedback.

Gather feedback from various sources, including clients, employees, and stakeholders. Use multiple channels such as surveys, interviews, and suggestion boxes to ensure a comprehensive understanding of different perspectives.

Analyse feedback thoroughly.

Analyse the feedback to identify common themes and critical areas for improvement. Use data analytics tools to gain insights into client preferences and behaviour patterns, enabling more informed decision-making.

Prioritise actionable insights.

Not all feedback will be equally impactful. Prioritise actionable insights that align with your business goals and can drive significant improvements. Focus on quick wins that demonstrate responsiveness and build momentum for larger initiatives.

Implement changes and communicate.

Act on the prioritised feedback by implementing the necessary changes. Communicate these improvements to your clients and team members, showcasing how their input has been instrumental in driving positive change.

Monitor and iterate.

Continuously monitor the impact of the changes and gather further feedback to assess their effectiveness. Iterate on your strategies, making adjustments as needed to ensure ongoing improvement.

Practical examples from ProjektID’s ongoing projects and client interactions.

At ProjektID, we’ve embedded feedback loops into our core processes to ensure we’re always aligned with our clients’ evolving needs. Here are some examples:

Site Cx plugin development.

When developing our Site Cx plugins, we regularly solicit feedback from beta users. Their insights have led to several enhancements, such as improved UI/UX features and expanded functionality. By iterating based on user feedback, we’ve created a product that truly addresses the needs of Squarespace website owners.

Praxis guided business solutions.

Our Praxis service involves close collaboration with clients throughout their project lifecycle. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions ensure we’re on the right track and allow us to make real-time adjustments. This iterative approach has resulted in higher client satisfaction and more successful project outcomes.

Intel +1 educational resources.

We continually gather feedback from users of our Intel +1 articles and courses. Their input has guided the creation of more relevant and engaging content, addressing the topics and challenges most pertinent to today’s business environment.

DAVE (Dynamic Assisting Virtual Entity).

The development of DAVE involved extensive user testing and feedback collection. Users highlighted the need for faster response times and more intuitive navigation. Implementing these suggestions, we optimised DAVE to provide a seamless and efficient user experience.

Achieving high standards and scaled impact.

Balancing ruthlessness with selflessness is an art that can significantly enhance the success and sustainability of any business. In this final section, we will recap the key points discussed in this blog, offer final thoughts on the importance of maintaining this balance, and encourage readers to reflect on their own business practices.

Recap of key points.

Throughout this series, we've explored various aspects of combining ruthless efficiency with selfless service:

  1. Fundamentals: Emphasising the necessity of combining technological insight with human-centred design to drive business innovation.

  2. Selfless Service Model: Highlighting how businesses can thrive by adopting selfless leadership principles.

  3. Building a Selfless Business Culture: Outlining steps to foster a supportive and collaborative company culture.

  4. Feedback and Iteration: Discussing the critical role of feedback loops in continuously refining business strategies.

  5. Motivation and Community Building: Underlining the importance of a mindset shift towards community and mutual support among entrepreneurs.

Final thoughts on balancing ruthlessness and selflessness.

Achieving the right balance between ruthlessness and selflessness is not just a business strategy but a philosophy that shapes the entire organisational culture. Here's why this balance is crucial:

Sustainable growth.

Ruthlessness in optimising processes and cutting unnecessary costs ensures that the business remains competitive and profitable. On the other hand, selflessness in addressing customer needs and investing in employee well-being fosters loyalty and long-term relationships, which are essential for sustained growth.

Innovation and adaptability.

A balanced approach encourages continuous innovation. While ruthlessness drives efficiency and performance, selflessness opens avenues for creative solutions by valuing diverse perspectives and fostering a culture of collaboration and openness.

Enhanced reputation.

Businesses known for their ethical practices and customer-centric approaches tend to build stronger brands. This reputation not only attracts customers but also draws in top talent who are aligned with the company’s values.

Resilience and agility.

Organisations that balance ruthlessness with selflessness are better equipped to navigate uncertainties. They can adapt quickly to changing market conditions while maintaining a strong support system for their employees and customers.

Taking action.

As we conclude, I urge you to reflect on your business practices and consider adopting a more balanced approach. Here are some steps you can take:

Evaluate your processes.

Regularly review your business operations to identify areas where efficiency can be improved without compromising on quality or customer satisfaction.

Foster a feedback culture.

Encourage open communication within your organisation. Value feedback from all stakeholders and use it to drive continuous improvement.

Invest in people

Recognise that your employees and customers are your greatest assets. Invest in their growth and well-being, and create an environment that values collaboration and innovation.

Embrace technology thoughtfully.

Leverage technology to streamline operations and enhance customer experiences. However, ensure that the human element remains at the core of your business strategies.

Commit to ethical practices.

Build your business on a foundation of ethical practices. Be transparent, accountable, and committed to creating value for all stakeholders.


Balancing ruthlessness with selflessness is a dynamic process that requires ongoing effort and commitment. At ProjektID, we strive to embody this balance through our innovative solutions and client-centred approach. By integrating these principles into your own business, you can achieve high standards and a scaled impact that drives long-term success.

Reflect on your practices, embrace continuous improvement, and join us in fostering a business ecosystem that values both efficiency and empathy. Together, we can create a more sustainable and prosperous future for all.


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Information and statistics were collected from this source, this source, this source, this source, this source, this source, this source, this source, this source, this source, this source, this source and this source.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Hopefully, this has provided you with insight to assist you with your business.

Luke Anthony Houghton

Founder & Digital Consultant

UX & UI Frontend Website Programmer | Brand & Social Media Manager | Graphic Designer & Digital Analyst

Micro vs small businesses


Overworked and under-motivated