Logo + Email Signature - Initial Payment


This is a combination package (Combo Pack 1) that incorporates our Logo and Email Signature services into a compact solution. Gain everything within these services at a discounted rate.

Service Code: COPS-C1-LOELSE-IP

Service Development: 1x logo and email signature design.

Service Quality: The price reflects the content, skill and technical complexity of this solution, which in turn can generate better value for your business.

Split Payment: Pay €199.00 to initialise the online service and then pay €150.00 14 days later to conclude the online service.

How it works:

  1. Place your order.

  2. Gain access to the Online Service system, which allows for intricate service tracking.

  3. Within the Online Service system, complete the service specific questionnaire(s).

  4. Provide final approval.

  5. Final files provided in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) or Adobe Photoshop (.psd) and JPG or HTML formats.

Professional satisfaction guaranteed with this service.

Need a brand colour and typeface? Check out these palettes and fonts.

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This is a combination package (Combo Pack 1) that incorporates our Logo and Email Signature services into a compact solution. Gain everything within these services at a discounted rate.

Service Code: COPS-C1-LOELSE-IP

Service Development: 1x logo and email signature design.

Service Quality: The price reflects the content, skill and technical complexity of this solution, which in turn can generate better value for your business.

Split Payment: Pay €199.00 to initialise the online service and then pay €150.00 14 days later to conclude the online service.

How it works:

  1. Place your order.

  2. Gain access to the Online Service system, which allows for intricate service tracking.

  3. Within the Online Service system, complete the service specific questionnaire(s).

  4. Provide final approval.

  5. Final files provided in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) or Adobe Photoshop (.psd) and JPG or HTML formats.

Professional satisfaction guaranteed with this service.

Need a brand colour and typeface? Check out these palettes and fonts.

This is a combination package (Combo Pack 1) that incorporates our Logo and Email Signature services into a compact solution. Gain everything within these services at a discounted rate.

Service Code: COPS-C1-LOELSE-IP

Service Development: 1x logo and email signature design.

Service Quality: The price reflects the content, skill and technical complexity of this solution, which in turn can generate better value for your business.

Split Payment: Pay €199.00 to initialise the online service and then pay €150.00 14 days later to conclude the online service.

How it works:

  1. Place your order.

  2. Gain access to the Online Service system, which allows for intricate service tracking.

  3. Within the Online Service system, complete the service specific questionnaire(s).

  4. Provide final approval.

  5. Final files provided in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) or Adobe Photoshop (.psd) and JPG or HTML formats.

Professional satisfaction guaranteed with this service.

Need a brand colour and typeface? Check out these palettes and fonts.

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